Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 87 of 366

After having wonderful temps last week, we are back to freezing again

Day 86 of 366

DH had the day off so we did some shopping. We managed to find this dress for me to wear for the next ball in June.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 85 of 366

Middle child went to a birthday party today. The theme was tea party. This is the cup she used at the party.

Day 84 of 366

On Saturday the kids and I went to maple syrup days here on post. We each got a small bottle of syrup, a bag of maple cotton candy, and a sample of warm syrup that was amazing.

Day 83 of 366

Since it was so nice out Friday night, we had our second movie night of the year. We showed Kung Fu Panda 2

Day 82 of 366

Today was a down day so I ripped out the afghan that I was working on. It was too big so I need to make it smaller.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 81 of 366

Yet another glorious day outside. While the older 2 are at school we hung eggs in front of our house & the neighbor's house.

Day 80 of 366

DH finally got the older two kids' bikes down. Both kids were overjoyed to be able to ride again after school.

Day 79 of 366

The kids had no school today. We enjoyed another wonderful day outside.

Day 78 of 366

We totally enjoyed the nice weather outside by letting the kids run.

Day 77 of 366

Today the kids & I watched DH run in a 5 mile race. We then came home to redo our flowerbeds in front of the house. We ended the night by having fire & movie night with the neighbors.

Day 76 of 366

When DH got home from work, He found these blooming.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 75 of 366

This morning I was awoken by a thunderstorm. By the time the kids got home from school, the sun had came out so we got to play.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 74 of 366

The youngest and I ran a few errands this morning. While we were at Target, I saw this book and picked it up. We have already watched the movie thanks to Netflix and loved it so much that we have since bought it.

Day 73 of 366

Today & tomorrow are half days for the oldest due to conferences. After we were done at her conference we hit the book sale and bought some books.

Day 72 of 366

The youngest and I had a quiet day. It was beautiful out so I got to sit on the porch while he played. This is the book I was able to read some of.

Day 71 of 366

It was a beautiful day out. We grilled steaks on the grill for supper.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 70 of 366 (March 10)

Today is another quiet day for the kids and myself. DH is off hunting

Day 69 of 366

Friday was errands day. My favorite stop of the day was Sam's Club since we get most of our fresh fruit and veggies there.

Day 68 of 366

Thursday was a down day for us. We hung around the house and enjoyed the quiet. I did work on my afghan and I decided that it's going to take forever to finish.

Day 67 of 366

Wednesday I made roll ups for the teachers at middle child's school. The PTO tries to organize a meal for one of the nights that they do conferences.

Day 66 of 366

The youngest and I had to make a Walmart run to get a few supplies.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65 of 366

After everyone was gone this morning, I looked out the window and got the youngest over to me. We could see 3 deer over by the neighbors house. I managed to get a couple of photos before they were spooked and took off. Seeing deer here is a normal thing. Come spring time we should see turkeys too.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 64 of 366

Today was an at home pj day. I got to watch my Netflix movie and relax all day.

Day 63 of 366

Saturday we had friends over for supper. I baked a cake and bread for it, and made Mac n cheese in the crockpot. We also had deer steaks, corn, baby baked potatoes, and fresh fruit to eat.

Day 62 of 366

The youngest and I went shopping since the weather was so much nicer. We managed to hit 5 stores in 2.5 hours. When we got home, the youngest went up to his bed and crashed. I guess that it was just too much for him. I redid the pantry while it was quiet.

Day 61 of 366

Thursday was a quiet at home day for us. The weather couldn't decide if it wanted to snow or rain so it kept switching back and forth all day.

Day 60 of 366

The youngest and I went all over town looking for ski wax for DH. We didn't find any, but I did find these art deco-ish stamps at J's.